The National French Bulldog
Health Testing Programme©
We are delighted to announce that our next event will be held on Sunday 13th February at Bretford Village Hall, Brandon Road, Bretford, Rugby, CV23 0JZ.
First appointments will begin at 10 am and the last will be taken for 3.30pm. All tests need to be booked and paid for in advance, and this can be done by emailing phoenixhealth@phoenixfrenchbulldogrescue.org where Rachel and Maxine will be delighted to help. There may be walk-in appointments available on the day but advance booking is recommended to avoid disappointment.
Tests available on this day will be:
Respiratory Function Grade (RFG) testing for Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS) to include nare (nostril) grading - £28
Annual Visual Assessments (AVA – full doggy MOT) to include Putnam Patella Grading (testing for luxating patellas) - £32
Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response testing (BAER) for hearing - £35
Behavioural/Temperament Assessment, as designed by the ISCP (International School of Canine Practitioners - £40
Vets can also offer vaccinations on the day if pre-booked - tbc
Microchips will be checked and implanting will also be available (£10) if needed
Dermatological Assessments – more information to come
Health Passport (for French Bulldogs only) - £10
In addition you will be able to benefit from talking with people who have a host of knowledge and experience offering their expert advice.
Whilst all and any breeds are welcome, we will only be recording the data for French Bulldogs
Of those French Bulldogs, no KC registration is necessary and any colour is accepted.
Refreshments will be available.
We look forward to seeing you.